Pain Release Therapy & Therapist in Williamsburg, VA
Innovative, safe, and pain free therapies for pain, stress, chronic pain, acute pain, pain management, undiagnosable pain, migraines, and inflammation. Based in Williamsburg, Virginia.
Cranial Sacral therapy
CST can release a wide range of restrictions, sustained tensions, total body tension, and anxiety, and deep seated stress contributing to pain, chronic pain, and mystery pain. It can help pain residing in any area of the body. A deeply relaxing experience. Read more about it here.
Myofascial Release Therapy (MFR)
MFR promotes faster and less painful recovery from injuries, surgeries, and infections as it helps to reduce inflammation and helps to prevent interfering and pain causing scarring. It can help in acute pain situations. It is a relaxing and pain-free therapy.
Integrative Manual Therapy (IMT)
IMT is a gentle, noninvasive, and deeply relaxing hands on therapy given while fully clothed. IMT integrates with cranial sacral therapy, myofascial release, physical therapy, chiropractic care, and rehab processes to enable a bigger picture of what’s driving pain, discomfort, and stress.
Strain-Counter-Strain Therapy
This revolutionary technique, which is effective in treating pain, limitations in strength and range of motion, allows a therapist to painlessly “release” muscle and connective tissue spasm from all areas and systems of the human body. Because Strain Counterstrain yields lasting results and has no side effects it has numerous applications in the rehabilitative setting.
Reflexology is given to the feet and focuses on using specific techniques using the thumbs and fingers and hands. It is very relaxing to the whole body. This upgrades functionality of the extremities and helps restore homeostasis to the whole body. A session last from 60 to 90 minutes.
Massage Therapy
Relaxation massage can be very stress and tension releasing, help with detoxing, improve the immune system, improve the health of the skin using organic jojoba oil which has many properties in it to help with skin health, and help with anxiety and depression. It can facilitate a general improvement to your wellness and sense of well being.
Cranial sacral therapy, myofascial release, integrative manual therapy, strain-counterstrain therapy, and reflxology are standalone therapies and are synergistic when used together in a therapy session. They can be complementary health care to any health care process you are in and they won’t interfere. These 5 therapies are effective, safe, relaxing, and not painful. They offer a wide range of help for pain, stress, and discomfort.
$85 new client offer
Initial appointment includes a consultation, therapy session and follow-up where we discuss the findings from the therapy session. Please allow up to 90 minutes of time for your first appointment.
After the first visit and therapy session appointments are 1 hour in length and cost $75.00 per hour.